Following recent concerns in regard to the peregrine falcons and events at the quarry which were bought to our attention, we are able to confirm that the town council working with the civic society have taken this issue very seriously. Both organisations have the utmost regard for the wildlife at the site and in particular the falcons.
As such officers and representatives from the civic society have attended a site meeting today with the police and an expert ornithologist to ensure any necessary measures are in place to ensure their welfare at all times.
In addition, we will continue to work with a recommended local ornithologist for future planning of activities and events within the advice given today and with whom prior advice had been obtained.
Culture Weston will be holding a scheduled community event at the quarry From 1st to 17th July (please see their website for details We can confirm Culture Weston have worked with all relevant parties to ensure a robust management events plan is in place for this event. This plan has been discussed with the experts and police and it is confirmed to also have the utmost regard and fully complies with the advice we have received.