Committee Agendas & Minutes
Town Councillors make all significant decisions in Council and Committee meetings which are open to the public to attend. Details of all meetings of Weston super- Mare Town Council can be found on this section of the website. Agendas are normally publicised 7 days in advance of the meeting and you can find them, along with all committee meeting minutes and reports, by clicking on the relevant Committee on this page.
Why come to a meeting?
Weston has more than its fair share of passionate people. People who want to do good things for their local community. Some may moan on social media platforms and others make their voices heard in Town Council meetings.
A Town Council meeting, may not sound like the most interesting way to spend your evening. However, listening to the councillors from different political parties you are likely to learn more about them than from a flyer that comes through the door at election time.
More importantly, they can learn about the issues that matter to you.
What would you raise to the Town Council?
As long as you live or work in Weston, you may have your say at Town Council meetings, which take place at the Town Hall in the Council chamber and also Committee meetings of the Council, which usually take place at either Council offices 32 Waterloo Street, Blakehay Theatre or Weston Museum.
If you wish to speak at a meeting please notify us of the subject matter before 5pm on the last working day before the day of the meeting (eg for a Monday meeting this means the Friday before).
Before the commencement of the meeting, the Chairman will invite members of the public to address the Council under the public participation section. This allows a total of 15 minutes for members of the public to speak, present a petition or ask a question. The time will be split depending on how many people wish to speak, which in some cases isn’t long, so you have to be very clear on your leading point and deliver that first.
All decisions are made by Councillors only and members of the public can’t take part in Council or Committee debate nor in voting on issues.
Read the following documents to understand more about our communities and our Councillors participation in them.
Calandar of Meetings 2024-25 – Updated DEC24
Committee Membership 2024 – APPROVED June 24