There are two local Government councils which serve residents in Weston-super-Mare, including Worle and Uphill. Ourselves which is a town or parish council and North Somerset which is a District Council.
You have the right to review the accounting records of the Town Council, including budgets, purchases, finance and audit reports. Details and downloads related to these areas of the Council’s expenditure can be found here.
Town Councillors make all significant decisions in Council and Committee meetings which are open to the public to attend. Details of all meetings of Weston super- Mare Town Council can be found on this section of the website.
Normally all significant decisions, for example those involving expenditure above £7,500, are made during a Council or committee meeting which is open to the public.
The Council’s policies are available to download and review here, including our Code of Conduct, Employment, Environmental and Data Protection policies.
If you would like to apply for a town council grant, please read the guidelines and then complete the online application form you’ll find in this section.