Town Council Grants

Weston-super-Mare Town Council has three grant schemes available for funding requests. They come with very specific criteria regarding eligibility. Ensure you understand the criteria before submitting a funding application, and if in doubt, contact 

The Grants and Governance sub Committee meets four times a year to consider grant applications. Applications must be submitted at least three weeks before these meetings. Please see the dates in the below table for the year 24/25.

Grant table

Small and Voluntary Grants

Maximum Award: There is no upper or lower figure set for the amount of any grant aid, but generally they will be restricted to a maximum of £1,000

Small and Voluntary Grants Application and return it to us at our postal address or email to

Process for Grant Applications

  1. The Grants and Governance sub Committee, at which applications are discussed, normally will consider grant applications four times in any financial year.
  2. Applications may be made by post or online using the form on the Town Council’s website.
  3. Applications which are not received at least three weeks prior to an appropriate meeting may not be considered.
  4. There is no upper or lower figure set for the amount of any grant aid, but generally they will be restricted to a maximum of £1,000.
  5. Grant applications in successive years from the same organisation for the same or a similar purpose will not normally be grant aided.
  6. The organisation will receive notice of the outcome of their application within three weeks of the meeting having taken place.
  7. The Council reserves the right to request further information before making a decision.

Eligibility for Grant

  1. To be eligible for grant aid the applicant organisation must be a charity or non-profit making body and must be one that is in some way benefits the local community.
  2. Applications will not be accepted from:

a. Bodies which are companies limited by shares or limited liability partnerships.

b. Local authorities and bodies owned or controlled by them;

c. Political organisations – unless the application clearly demonstrates benefit to the wider community irrespective of political affiliation;

d. Individuals seeking financial backing.

3. Applications will not be considered from “upward funders”, i.e. local groups whose fundraising is sent to the central headquarters for redistribution.

4. Applications will not be considered from groups whose purpose is to redistribute funds as grants to or sponsorship of other organisations or individuals.

5. Grants will not be made retrospectively.

6. The organisation applying must submit a trading account and balance sheet for the last financial year, including existing bank/building society statements.

Content of Grant Applications

  1. Organisations just starting up must submit basic financial information to the satisfaction of the Town Council.
  2. The organisation should give a clear justification of why it needs grant aid.
  3. Applications must include an indication of what percentage or number of members/ beneficiaries are residents of Weston-super-Mare.
  4. The organisation must supply evidence of any application made (whether granted or not) for financial backing from other sources and of the outcome.

Criteria for Determination of Grant Applications

1. All applications which meet the eligibility and content requirements will be decided by elected members of the Council using their discretion, taking into account the following criteria:

a. Is the organisation one either based in the civil parish of Weston-super-Mare (including Worle and Uphill) or serving a significant proportion of residents of the town?

b. What benefit does it provide to the town and its inhabitants?

c. Would there be a significant adverse effect on the town if the applicants were unable to continue or were hampered by lack of funds?

d. How much resource does the organisation have in total, and how much money is in its balance sheet/bank balance?

e. Is there a more appropriate source of funding the organisation should be directed to, thus relieving the demand on the Town Council’s resources?

f. Have other sources of funding been secured or are they being sought for the project?

g. Has the organisation received similar grant funding in recent years?

h. Is the organisation a new start up?

i. Is the application for grant to cover salaries or staff costs?

Conditions of Grants Awarded

1. The Town Council will request a receipt from the organisation for any donation received.

2. The organisation must on request provide feedback on the outcome of any venture grant aided by the Town Council.

3. In the event of a project/scheme/venture not preceding the donation should be returned to the Town Council for redistribution to another organisation.

4. Recognition of the Town Council’s support must be given on all printed and electronic material produced by the organisation.

5. If requested, the organisation must be able to provide receipts, invoices and other evidence to the Town Council of how the donation was actually spent.

Small and Voluntary Grants Application and return it to us at our postal address or email to

This spreadsheet can give you information on the grants we have awarded since 2014 – Weston-super-Mare Town Council Grants Awarded

Events Grant Funding

Maximum Award: There is no upper or lower figure set for the amount of any grant aid. 

Download Community Events Grant Application and return it to us at

Objectives of fund

1. To promote activities that have regard for the benefit of local residents

2. To promote activities which aim to support the creative sector of Weston-super-Mare

3. To encourage further investment in the Heritage Arts and Culture Community

4. To promote activities which demonstrate benefit to the local economy

Proposed outcomes – what success looks like

The success of your project would be understood by using the following three criteria:

1. Number of beneficiaries (participants and audiences) engaging in the activity (grant holders will be required to collect and submit audience evaluation data following the event.

2. Inward investment – value of match funding secured from other sources to enable activity in Weston-super-Mare.

3. Number of paid employment opportunities created for local artists/creatives/freelancers.

Process for Grant Applications

1. Contact us before making an application to discuss if your project is eligible.

2. The Grants and Governance sub Committee, at which applications are discussed, will consider grant applications when appropriate.

3. Applications must be submitted at least three weeks before Grants and Governance sub Committee, (refer to calendar of meetings).

4. Applications may be made by post or online using the application form. 

5. There is no upper or lower figure set for the amount of any grant aid, with £60,000 budget for grants in 2024/2025.

6. The organisation will receive notice of the outcome of their application within one week of the meeting having taken place.

7. The Council reserves the right to request further information before making a decision

8. 90% of the grant will be given at time of award, with 10% retained until we have received confirmation of evaluation of your event/activity.

Eligibility for Grant 

1. To be eligible for grant aid the applicant organisation must provide an event/activity which in some way benefits the local community and economy, and meets the objectives and outcome of the fund detailed above.

2. Applications will not be accepted from: 

a. Individuals

b. Bodies which are companies limited by shares or limited liability partnerships – unless able to demonstrate the event/activity will be non-profit making. 

c. Religious organisations – unless the application clearly demonstrates benefit to the wider community irrespective of religious affiliation

d. Political organisations – unless the application clearly demonstrates benefit to the wider community irrespective of political affiliation

3. Applications will not be considered from “upward funders”, i.e. local groups whose fundraising is sent to the central headquarters for redistribution.

4. Applications will not be considered from groups whose purpose is to redistribute funds as grants to or sponsorship of other organisations or individuals.

5. Grants will not be made retrospectively.

Content of Grant Applications

1. The organisation applying must submit a trading account and balance sheet for the last financial year, including existing bank/building society statements. 

2. Organisations just starting up must submit basic financial information to the satisfaction of the Town Council. 

3. The organisation should give a clear justification of why it needs grant aid, and how it will meet the objectives and outcomes of the fund.

4. Applications must include how local businesses and residents will benefit from the event/activity. 

An incomplete application will result in delays in the decision making process.

Criteria for Determination of Grant Applications

1. All applications which meet the eligibility and content requirements will be decided by elected members of the Council using their discretion, taking into account the following criteria:

a. Is the organisation serving a significant proportion of residents in Weston-super-Mare (which includes Worle and Uphill)?

b. What benefit does it provide to the town and its inhabitants?

c. How much resource does the organisation have in total, and how much money is in its balance sheet/bank balance? 

d. Have other sources of funding been secured or are they being sought for the project?

e. Has the organisation received similar grant funding in recent years?

f. Is the organisation a new start up?

g. Is the application for grant to cover salaries or staff costs? 

Conditions of grants awarded

1. Successful organisations will be required to submit receipts for any donation received. 

2. The organisation must on provide feedback on the outcome of any venture grant aided by the Town Council. 

3. In the event of a project/scheme/venture not preceding the donation should be returned to the Town Council for redistribution to other organisations.

4. Recognition of the Town Council’s support must be given on all printed and electronic material produced by the organisation. 

5. If requested, the organisation must be able to provide receipts, invoices and other evidence to the Town Council of how the donation was actually spent.  

Download Community Events Grant Application and return it to us at

Weston in Bloom Grant Funding

Maximum Award: The maximum award is £500, however most grants ideally should not exceed £250.

Download Weston in Bloom Grant Application and return it to us at

Objectives of fund

1. To promote activities that contribute to the town and its wards become a cleaner and greener place to live and work protecting and enhancing the environment.
2. To promote activities which aim to ensure the town of Weston-super-Mare and its wards prioritise its residents’ health and wellbeing.
3. To encourage residents of Weston-super-Mare to make positive and impactful changes to their local environment through flora, horticultural, environmental and community action.
4. To promote activities which bring people together and help to tackle social isolation.

Proposed outcomes – what success looks like

The success of your project would be understood by using the following four criteria:
1. Number of beneficiaries (participants and audiences) engaging in the activity (grant holders will be required to collect and submit audience evaluation data following the event.
2. Climate Impact – Reduction in behaviour or activities detrimental to the environment and residents (for example litter, vandalism, noise pollution, grant holders will be required to provide well documented before and after photos of the project)
3. Encouraging horticulture in an urban environment – (for example, bringing floral displays to a neglected alley way in their ward or re wilding, grant holders will be required to provide well documented before and after photos of
the project)
4. Develop a project which could be entered into the in Bloom “It’s Your Neighbourhood Awards” each year as part of the wider Weston in Bloom initiative.

Process for Grant Applications

1. The Grants and Governance sub Committee at which applications are discussed, normally will consider grant applications up to four times in any financial year.
2. Applications may be made by post or online using the form on the Town Council’s website.

3. Applications which are not received at least three weeks prior to an appropriate meeting may not be considered.
4. The maximum grant award to be allocated by the Grants and Governance sub Committee  is £500, a grant of this value would be for an exceptional and larger project. Any grant over this amount would be required to be viewed by the Finance and General Purposes Committee. Due to budgets available most grants ideally should not exceed £250.
5. The organisation will receive notice of the outcome of their application within three weeks of the meeting having taken place.
6. The Council reserves the right to request further information before making a decision

Eligibility for Grant

7. To be eligible for grant aid the applicant must be an established community group or organisation, charity or non-profit making body and must be one that is in some way benefits the local community
8. Applications will not be accepted from:
a. Bodies which are companies limited by shares or limited liability partnerships.
b. Local authorities and bodies owned or controlled by them;
c. Religious organisations – unless the application clearly demonstrates benefit to the wider community irrespective of religious affiliation
d. Political organisations – unless the application clearly demonstrates benefit to the wider community irrespective of political affiliation
e. Individuals seeking financial backing
9. Applications will not be considered from “upward funders”, i.e. local groups whose fundraising is sent to the central headquarters for redistribution.
10. Applications will not be considered from groups whose purpose is to redistribute funds as grants to or sponsorship of other organisations or individuals.
11. Grants will not be made retrospectively.
Content of Grant Applications
12. The organisation applying must submit a trading account and balance sheet for the last financial year, including existing bank/building society statements.
13. Organisations just starting up must submit basic financial information to the satisfaction of the Town Council, to include bank details and evidence of set up.
14.The organisation should give a clear justification of why it needs grant aid.
15. The organisation must supply evidence of any application made (whether granted or not) for financial backing from other sources and of the outcome.

Criteria for Determination of Grant Applications
16. All applications which meet the eligibility and content requirements will be decided by elected members of the Council using their discretion, taking into account the following criteria:

a. Will the floral display/works described be in Weston-super-Mare (including Worle and Uphill)?
b. What benefit does it provide to the town and its inhabitants?
c. Would there be a significant adverse effect on the town if the applicants were unable to continue or were hampered by lack of funds?
d. How much resource does the organisation have in total, and how much money is in its balance sheet/bank balance?
e. Is there a more appropriate source of funding the organisation should be directed to, thus relieving the demand on the Town Council’s resources?
f. Have other sources of funding been secured or are they being sought for the project?
g. Has the organisation received similar grant funding in recent years?
h. Is the organisation a new start up?
i. Is the application for grant to cover salaries or staff costs?

Conditions of grants awarded

17. The Town Council will request a receipt from the organisation for any donation received.
18. The organisation must on request provide feedback on the outcome of any venture grant aided by the Town Council.
19. In the event of a project/scheme/venture not preceding the donation should be returned to the Town Council for redistribution to another organisation.
20. Recognition of the Town Council’s support must be given on all printed and electronic material produced by the organisation.
21. If requested, the organisation must be able to provide receipts, invoices and other evidence to the Town Council of how the donation was actually spent.
22. If the grant is £1,000 or above, then a report must be submitted to the Town Council following the use of the funds.
23. Successful candidates must be able to provide before and after images, and any evaluation required to demonstrate the success of the project.
24.By accepting funding from the Town Council, you agree to become part of the “In Bloom” community, and are open to getting involved in future local projects.

Download Grant Application for Weston in Bloom and return it to us at