Our Services
We provide a wide range of services to the residents of Weston-super-Mare, overviews of which can be found here along with links to their respective websites.
A video introducing Weston Museum:
Weston Museum
Weston-super-Mare Town Council took ownership of the museum from North Somerset County Council in April 2011 and wasted no time in making a bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund to make major improvements. The bid was successful and the building has undergone a major £1.2 Million refurbishment and redesign. Weston Museum reopened in 2017 with new permanent and temporary exhibition spaces, a learning room, Clara’s cottage and a cafe. The collection is presented in an entirely new way too.
Weston-super-Mare Town Council owns the museum and is responsible for the day to day running and funding, North Somerset Council owns the museum’s collection of artefacts which are then stored, managed and cared for by the South West Heritage Trust. Weston Museum tells the story of Weston-super-Mare and North Somerset to a whole new generation of residents and visitors. For more information on events, space hire and the collection please visit the Weston Museum website.
A video introducing the Blakehay Theatre:
Blakehay Theatre
Weston-super-Mare Town Council then purchased the theatre in 2004 to avoid it’s closure. During the time that Weston-Super-Mare Town Council have owned and managed the theatre there has been extensive refurbishment with the Foyer, Toilets and Theatre Bar being refurbished in 2010. In 2017 the Town Council refurbished the old first floor Upper studio into a Studio Theatre that can also be used as two separate studio spaces and re-branded the theatre.
The Blakehay Theatre’s mission is to be leading the way in performing arts for Weston-super-Mare. We create Theatre for the whole community, bringing national popular shows and treading subject matters onto the stage. To promote a creative hub for artists and performers in the local area and a cultural home for fans of the arts.
To see our programme of events, space hire and community classes see https://www.blakehaytheatre.co.uk/.

Visitor Information Centre
Visit Weston operates the award-winning, seasonal Visitor Information Centre which is staffed and funded by Weston Town Council. It is currently situated as a satellite Visitor Information Centre at the Waterpark on the seafront as well as having mobile electric tuk-tuks. Open twenty-six weeks a year, where a team of friendly and knowledgeable staff are on hand to offer their expertise as well as a warm welcome to all those visiting Weston. You can also call the team on 01934 317777

Visit Weston
Visit Weston is the Destination Marketing Operation ran by Weston-super-Mare Town Council; promoting the town to the world as well as supporting the in-resort economy.
Visit Weston operates www.visit-westonsupermare.com, our tourism website containing a wealth of information on local businesses, attractions and events all located in Weston, or within an hour’s drive.

Parks, Play Areas & Green Spaces
We maintain a wide range of parks, gardens, open spaces and play areas within the town. We own some and the others are leased from North Somerset Council.
We regularly inspect the parks however, if you wish to report a fault with the equipment, or have a comment, compliment or complaint, please contact us.

Weston-super-Mare’s Water Adventure Play Park
The Water Adventure Play Park is located on Knightstone Road which is the sea front road next to Melrose Car Park. It’s a popular attraction on Weston’s seafront. This seasonal splash pad has fountains and sprays triggered by sensors and buttons. The wooden play equipment includes the Stockholm Castle, a double cable way and a toddler area where there’s a short tunnel to crawl through and for those with a musical leaning, there’s a xylophone. A sand pit is located near the rear of the park along with a climbing pyramid and snake swing.

Blue Plaques
Weston Town Council is keen to recognise those from the past who have made significant contributions to local life or whose presence has somehow enriched the home story. Throughout the country easily spotted blue plaques remind us of characters from times gone by and frequently inspire further curiosity.
Weston in Bloom
Britain’s nationwide gardening competition has been keeping our towns and cities in bloom since 1963. Each year Weston-super-Mare enters into the national competition ‘Britain in Bloom’. Britain in Bloom part of the Royal horticultural society and judging takes place every year in the month of July.