An invitation to community groups volunteers and those supported, to contribute to a shared resource and historical archive of North Somerset’s Covid-19 community response.
What was achieved in a short amount of time as the community response to Covid-19 is astonishing. Community groups sprang up and some even developed into community interest companies almost overnight. Although we may not fully realise it yet, we are not just making history, we have the potential to build a new and better future.
We must now log the historical impact of everything we have learnt so we can use this as a guide for our future next steps.
We are looking for the people who volunteered and the people who had help during the COVID lockdown period.
What worked well, what didn’t go so well, who benefited, how were lives changed?
From the stories of volunteers and the people they have helped, we will make a historical archive with Weston Museum – from the start of the crisis to people’s thoughts and feelings about what might happen next. This archive will be made up of survey answers, video and audio interviews as well as supporting documents. We want to hear from organisations, volunteers and those who received support.
We also want to learn from the experience and use it to inform the design and delivery of services in the future. By talking to the people who have led and organised the effort in the different communities of North Somerset, we can understand patterns and trends, what went well, what we can improve and what we can share, learn how we can do more than ‘go back to normal’ and understand how we can ‘go on to better’.
If you have something to add to this project, please send an email to we would love to hear from you.