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We hold community meetings on the last Tuesday of every month via zoom. If you would like to attend these meetings, please email becky.walsh@wsm-tc.gov.uk

This group is community lead and is currently working with –

  • Multicultural friendship association promotes companionship, tolerance, respect, solidarity and mutual trust and understanding through learning about our different cultures, traditions and beliefs. The Town Council along with other organisations sponsors this association and The Mayor is Patron in Perpetuity.
  • The Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) Network aims to reach people from black and minority ethnic backgrounds in North Somerset, to ensure they are receiving appropriate services and support. They are a focal point for the BME voluntary sector, promote joint working between different minority ethnic groups, increase their engagement with public agencies and promote positive race relations.
  • Black Lives Matter Weston-super-Mare is a group for, in solidarity with and supporting Weston-super-Mare’s BAME community and BAME folks around the world. End white silence. Speak up and demand an end to racism.
  • SARI provides free and confidential support for anyone who is a victim of hate crime. Everyone has the right to live without fear or hate.
  • North Somerset Council A number of interested people including the inclusion and Corporate Development Assistant.
  • NSPA – North Somerset Polish Association Grupa poświęconą polskosci, kulturze, sztuce, polskim tradycjom, oraz historii Polski. Grupa zachęca czlonkow/spolecznosc do promowania polskosci w kazdym jej wymiarze.


26th April 2022
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
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