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At the end of November 2020, Weston Town Council passed an anti-racism motion that will help to ensure Weston-super-Mare is actively inclusive and anti-racist.

As part of this resolution, the council has been holding meetings with many of the towns representative and community groups -such as the local Polish Association, the Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) network, the Bangladeshi community, Black Lives Matters (BLM) and the Multicultural Friendship Association (MFA) to name a few.


We now would like to encourage wider engagement and participation by opening these meetings to impactful organisations via Zoom and will broadcast the meetings live to the larger community in Weston via the Town Council Facebook page. 

Our intention is to hold some meetings as themed, to include a speaker on our chosen topics. The first of these will be on July 27th at 6.00pm.

Racism and its Impact on Mental Health

Dawn Jarvis is a Leadership & Management Consultancy specialising in diversity and inclusion strategy and helping public sector organisations to deliver lasting change.

Dawn will give a 45min presentation that will look at some of the ways that racism can affect health, how socioeconomic factors associated with racism can continue to pose risks to both physical and mental health.  Her presentation will incorporate the following themes; 

What are the effects of racism on health and mental health?

  • Lived experience in adults
  • Lived experience in Children 
  • Stress and its impact on physical health 
  • Depression
  • Emotional distress 
  • Anxiety 
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder 
  • Suicide
  • The impact of Covid-19 on communities with lived experience of racism.

Our aim is to start a conversation on how communities with lived experience of racism can be successfully supported with their ongoing mental wellness.

About your Trainer Dawn Jarvis 

Registered Nurse Dawn Jarvis is the founder of Dawn Jarvis Ltd who utilises 35 years’ senior leadership experience in the NHS as a speaker, inclusive leadership coach, diversity and allyship strategist and consultant, to inspire individual’s, business owners, organisations and communities to speak and be heard. Building the confidence to have courageous conversations that create compassionate and equitable communities that enable optimum health and wellbeing for all. 

If you are from an organisation and would like to attend this event, please email becky.walsh@wsm-tc.gov.uk.

Everyone is welcome to join the live streaming of this event –  https://www.facebook.com/WsMTC – and in doing so will be able to submit and have their questions answered from the live comments box. 



27th July 2021
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
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