Weston-super-Mare Town Council’s grounds team has been restoring a number of historic Somerset fingerpost signs.
The most recent is the cast iron sign outside the Borough Arms at the junction of Locking Road and Locking Moor Road, which was previously suffering with significant rust and severely deteriorated paintwork.
A guidepost is recorded at this location on some of the area’s earlier maps, which date back to the 1880s. Cast iron fingerposts were introduced in the late 19th century. When modern road signage was introduced in the 1960s, the fingerposts across Somerset were left in place. Since then, some have become badly damaged or even lost entirely. Today, only 115 are known to survive across North Somerset.
Weston-super-Mare Town Council’s Cllr Simon Harrison-Morse said: “Following lots of feedback by local residents I, along with my Milton councillor colleagues, are very pleased to see the fingerpost in our ward restored. These iconic landmarks are an important part of our heritage, and it is wonderful to see it preserved for future generations.”
Cllr John Crockford-Hawley, North Somerset Council’s Heritage Champion, said: “The historic Somerset fingerpost signs are a distinct feature of the local landscape and provide a unique and physical connection with our shared heritage. It’s so good to see this example on Locking Road restored to its former glory. I’d encourage anyone else wishing to do the same to contact our Heritage and Design team and they’d be delighted to provide information, advice and support throughout the process.”
North Somerset Council’s Heritage and Design team provided guidance and support to Weston-super-Mare Town Council when carrying out this project. If any other town or parish councils, or volunteer groups, would like to restore or maintain a fingerpost sign, they should email the team at DM.Archaeology@n-somerset.gov.uk.