Not making a splash at Weston’s water park this summer

After acts of costly vandalism, we are delighted we have opened the water adventure play park. Sadly, we can’t turn on the splash pads. We know that this is a great disappointment. We have not taken this decision without researching government regulations and trying hard to find ways we can keep the water on and keep safe the families using the facilities. We have contacted other water parks who have also come to the same conclusion that they can’t turn the water on.

Although water parks come under the same government regulations as swimming pools, swimming pools have swimming lanes and employed year-round staff. We have to consider safety when it comes to families social distancing in the water areas, staffing, water quality and of course the vandalism set us back time-wise as well as financially. More work will be done in the winter as more repair work is needed.

We had to decide to open the park free for everyone to use, or miss too much more of the summer preparing to turn the water on.

The coffee shop in the site will be open this week, for light refreshments. Making the adventure play park is an excellent place to take the kids for a day out.

We are sorry and also disappointed that we can’t turn the water on this year. Thank you for your understanding.

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