Milton Road Cemetery Nature

Milton Road Cemetery is a haven for wildlife with foxes and badgers living there. We have an abundance of bird life, too, with Green woodpeckers and owls often heard around the site. The change in grass cutting regime has also allowed many wild flowers to come through including Ox Eye Daisies, Lady’s Leek, Evening Primrose and Scabiosa, in addition to our regular Primroses and Red and White Valerian. This has led to an increase in butterflies, moths and other insect life. The cemetery is also part of our ‘Love the Outdoors’ collective of passionate nature lovers.

Trees of Milton Road Cemetery

Weston Town Council has teamed up with cinematographer Sally Low to make a film about the trees in Milton Road Cemetery. The film aims to encourage people to enjoy the nature of the cemetery.

The film is presented by Steve Clark who has 30 years of experience in the arboricultural industry ranging from site work to business management and independent arboricultural consultancy. Steve looks after the tree stock for Weston Town Council. The information in the film given by Steve Clark ranges from how the coastal wind affects the trees to how clippings from our Yew trees go to make cancer treatments. Giving a fascinating insight into the trees including some of the history of the cemetery and how the trees have come to be there.

‘The trees of Milton Road Cemetery’ film was commissioned by the ‘climate change working party’. Part of the Town Councils commitment to being Carbon Neutral by 2030. Everyone who worked on the film did so as a volunteer.

Join the Milton Road Cemetery Tree Trail and learn about the trees HERE

Join Weston Tree and Planting group and learn more about Weston’s tree’s