Ellenborough Park West – Wellbeing Park
In the past, it has been managed and used by Corpus Christi Church and school. Weston Town Council has taken on the management of this valuable community space.
The Council will continue to work closely with Corpus Christi School and Church, allowing them full use of the park for recreational activities or outdoor learning.
We welcome the park to be used for events on a ‘wellbeing’ theme and Weston Town Council will be running some of their own events. These could be yoga classes, book clubs, meditation groups, drumming circles, we are open to ideas and interest. We need to keep a tight diary in order to work alongside Corpus Christi School and Church, so please register your interest in hosting an event with Zoe Scott zoe.scott@wsm-tc.gov.uk.
The park has a badger set and in order not to disturb the badgers, we ask that you don’t go to the very far end of the east side of the park. This gate will not be open for public use.
We are also looking for nature enthusiasts to be part of the team of volunteers to help look after this area. To register your interest in volunteering and for more information please contact graham.meikle@wsm-tc.gov.uk.