In association with Weston Museum, the Multicultural Friendship Association is organising an exhibition to celebrate its anniversary.
Given the current situation, no firm dates can be decided as yet, but if all is well it will happen in December – and we need your help!
The MFA (The Multicultural Friendship Association) hopes to use this event to highlight and reflect the wonderful diversity of Weston-super-Mare and its surrounding area. We would like as many different cultures as possible to be represented in stories, photographs and artefacts. We have already begun recording people’s memories on tape and these will be stored for future generations at the Records Office at Somerset Heritage Centre in Taunton. However, we would also love to display written records of your life stories and any objects or artefacts you might wish to lend us from your home country. If these could be accompanied by photographs and memorabilia, so much the better.
We promise to take great care of anything you lend us and all items will be kept secure in a locked cabinet. If you are willing to lend your artefacts the Weston museum will keep the items for up to 4 months.
Please contact: The Multicultural Friendship Association or Weston Museum if you need more information:
The MFA: chairmfa@gmail.com; mobile phone: 07587335963
Weston Museum: jane.hill@wsm-tc.gov.uk; phone: 01934 621028
We look forward to hearing from you and thank you in advance for your participation and support.
If you feel you might be able to contribute in any way, please tick one or more of the following boxes:
Recording your personal story: □
If requested, the volunteer staff from Weston Museum can contact you, but you can also email Chris Fisher chrisfisher197@hotmail.com
Written memoirs: □
Volunteers from the Multicultural Friendship Association will be happy to help you. Please contact Amanda Brett directly at: ajgbrett@gmail.com
Photographs: □
If requested, volunteer staff from the Weston Museum can contact you, but you can also email Chris Fisher directly at: chrisfisher197@hotmail.com
Artefacts from your country of origin:
Please contact the Multicultural Friendship Association or email Amanda Brett at: ajgbrett@gmail.com
In your email please let us know –
EUROPE: □ …………………………………………….
Please specify
AFRICA: □ ………………………………………………
Please specify
ASIA: □ ………………………………………………
Please specify
OTHERS □ ………………………………………………
Please specify