The Old Town Quarry is a historic and natural beauty spot in Weston-super-Mare. Abandoned more than half a century ago as a working quarry it has been carefully looked after by Weston Civic Society. A cafe, events arena, artist studios and working forge have created this popular resident and visitor attraction set within a tranquil environment of natural beauty and wildlife.
As the lease is now coming to its end the Civic Society feels the time is right to seek new ideas for the quarry’s future and a provisional agreement has been reached between officers of the Town Council, North Somerset Council and Jemma Coles at the Stable to work together to ensure the venue’s long-term future. Approval to take this forward is to be sought from Town Councillors at a meeting on Monday.
It’s hoped that live events will make full use of the amphitheatre grass area, with the cafe remaining part of the site. The natural environment will also be taken care of by the Town Council grounds team who look after the grounds and trees at Milton Road Cemetery and the recently taken on Ellenborough Park West.
Town Clerk Malcolm Nicholson said ‘The Old Town Quarry is a lovely arts and cultural centre for the people of Weston and we are working to secure its long term future for people to enjoy’.
Jemma Coles from The Stable said ‘We are super excited to be part of this, and to be able to work with the Town Council to deliver on such a great community project’.
Mark Canniford, Executive Member for Business, Economy and Employment at North Somerset Council, said: “We’re looking forward to working with the Town Council and seeing future events and activities develop at this cultural, events and arts hub.”
John Crockford-Hawley, Chairman of the Town Council’s Heritage Arts and Culture Committee and North Somerset Council’s Heritage and Regeneration Champion said: “The quarry has become a key part of the town’s vibrant arts community over many years and the time is now right to consider its next phase”.
More information on this will be found on the Town Council website shortly.