Planting started on Friday, 17 March, and will be completed by the end of this month in the space identified alongside existing Weston Town Council benches and other street furniture.
A variety of trees called the Ginkgo biloba, commonly known as the ‘maidenhair tree’, has been carefully selected for its shape and suitability to the coastal location.
This is the latest project to be delivered by the Weston Tree & Plant Group. Set-up in March 2022, the group aims to increase tree canopy levels and biodiversity across the town and sees North Somerset Council working in partnership with businesses, community groups and other organisations including Weston-super-Mare Town Council and Weston-super-Mare Civic Society.
Andy Chappel, Weston-super-Mare Town Council’s Climate and Community Development Officer, said: “We’re thrilled to see tree planting on the High Street. Developed by the Weston Tree & Plant Group, the project represents the start of a joint commitment between both councils to increase canopy cover across the town and will provide much-needed shade for the public while improving air quality levels in the area.”
David Agassiz, Chairman of the Weston-super-Mare Civic Society, said: “We have regularly planted street trees or paid for them. We are delighted with this new addition of trees in the town centre and have contributed £2,000 towards the cost.”
To find out more and get involved with the Weston Tree & Plant Group, visit